It found very little evidence that companies chose to invest in these countries to shirk pollution - abatement costs in rich countries ; the single most important factor in determining the amount of investment was the size of the local market 他们研究墨西哥、摩洛哥、委内瑞拉与象牙海岸等国,却几乎找不到证据说明,企业会选择这些国家,是为了逃避在富裕国家中降低污染所需的费用;决定投资金额的优先考虑因素,是当地市场的大小。
Focusing on the shortcomings of emission trading study in china , the authors analyze the gaming practice of decision making process of enterprises , to extend the studies on emission trading via micro behavior analysis . the paper identifies that transaction cost , definition and allocation of initial emission rights , differential of marginal abatement costs , numbers of enterprises involving emission trading scheme are the key elements and factors that influencing the decisions and behaviors of enterprises in china 针对目前中国排污权交易研究中存在的盲点,通过对企业决策的博弈分析,尝试从微观行为分析的角度扩展对排污权交易理论的研究,具体讨论了排污权交易市场下影响企业决策与行为的主要影响因素,认为交易成本污染排放权利的界定与分配边际减排成本差异排污权交易市场中参与企业的数量等是影响中国排污权交易制度能否有效实施的关键因素。